Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kathleen's Birthday!

Hooray! I am now a teenager! ☺ Happy birthday to me and to my cousins and Aunts earlier this week.

post signature


Kathy C. said...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday dear Kathleen!!! :)

He & Me + 3 said...

Happy Birthday to you Kathleen. Wow 13 is big time! Enjoy your teenage years!

Living4Jesus said...

I awarded you Kathleen, and happy birthday!!

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Happy Belated Birthday Kathleen! I loved being 13.

megan kristine said...

Happy Birthday!! I'm not turning 13 until October 13th... Yep, It's my GOLDEN BIRTHDAY this year! :]

Oh yeah, to answer you question about if I made up the computer symbol animals... No I didn't I found them online.

megan kristine said...

No, actually I use GIMP to make my stuff... But soon I will be *trying* Photoshop... I'm not sure if I'll like it or not thought! :]


megan kristine said...

You question about the signature is PERFECT for a tutorial on my blog! I'll be posting it soon! :]


Orenczaks said...

Thank you Living4Jesus! I will get it ASAP. :)